Sunday, August 5, 2012

Why are You Atheists So Angry?

I just completed Great Christina's wonderful book "Why Are You Atheists So Angry?"

As I have mentioned before it reads a bit like her blog postings only there is more of a newbie vibe to it.  Not her, but for the reader.  It is a great "Second" book for atheism.  The first book would be what ever first convinced you to be an atheist; say the Bible or for me a book on mythology.

I like Greta's easy to read style.  She never makes demands on you as the reader other than to think.  Think critically about the world around you.  Think about others. But above all, think.

There is some good wisdom here, especially the part about not needing to win every argument, that having the argument is often enough to convince others that atheism is not only an acceptable lifestyle, but really the only one if you are a thinking, feeling rational person.

If you are new to this community then I suggest picking it up.
Frankly it is worth it for the links alone.

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