Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Jessica Ahlquist in Illinois

and the Illinois Family Institute is mad about it.

First reported by The Friendly Atheist, the IFI has their granny panties all in a bunch over the fact that Jessica Ahlquist is speaking to some local schools during constitution week.

You can read their diatribe here:

Hemant Mehta, and I have to say myself, suggested using their own email system against them to praise the schools and condemn the IFI.

Well,  it turns out that IFI was not too happy about that either.

To which Hemant replies, http://www.patheos.com/blogs/friendlyatheist/2012/09/18/atheists-beat-the-illinois-family-institute-at-their-own-game/

I am glad that Hemant reported that Jessica is doing good with no problems from theistic hate mongers like the IFI.

If you want express your gratitude to the schools that sponsored Jessica please go here.

Please remember to be courteous and respectful.  Also, I would like to add, call AFTER 10:00am Central.  Schools get a lot of calls in the morning from parents, please don't tie up the phone lines for them.

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